Saturday, April 11, 2009

Making Preparations

Well, I honestly had doubts that this day would actually come. I booked my flight yesterday and I will leave May 3rd. I am amazed at how stressed out I got about fundraising. However, God continued to remind me that he was in control and his planning is perfect. I am filled with all kinds of emotions: anxiety, nervousness, extreme excitement, nervousness, have I mentioned I am nervous? However, i know that this is where God wants me to be.

I am so excited to be able to use sports as ministry. I hope that I am able to live a life that truly demonstrates incarnation ministry. I just hope I am able to love as Jesus loved. I love the quote from Shane Claiborne's Irresistible revolution that says "being a Christian is about choosing Jesus and declaring to do something incredibly daring with your life." Now, I don't think what I am doing is anymore daring than living here and deciding to life for Jesus as a teacher. However, I hope that they way I chose to live and love is daring. I hope I can move past myself and just give myself to others. Yeah, so a lot of ideas in my head (and a lot of sleepless nights recently). However, there are a couple things I do know. I am supposed to go to the DR and use sports to build relationships with the people of Jarabacoa. I am leaving it to God to lead me from there! DR... here I come. :)

I am close to having full time support in start-up costs but still need monthly support. Pray that the final costs come in so that when I am there, I can be fully focused on my ministry there and not raising support. Also, pray that preparations and connections can be made so that the girls sports site can be established especially as we get summer teams coming.

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